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HSxClan Gaming Community

HOOD Suicidal xtreme


A little About us: 

        [HSx] is a bunch of Gamers/Friends/Family who play for the love of all games and are always looking for more people to game with. If you're new to PC gaming or a Veteran we are always hanging out In our Teamspeak3 server.

At one time back in the CounterStrike1.6 days HSx was simply known as [Sx]

"Suicidal eXtreme"

Some of the guys from [HOOD] "HighOrderOfDeath"

broke off and merged with all [Sx] and renamed themselves [HSx] 

  "HOOD Suicidal xtreme"

  "HighOrderOfDeath Suicidal xtreme"

HOOD can still be found over at ClanHOOD.




We offer a free service and we keep the right to refuse our services to any whiners.

Donate Today

 HSx Offers Plenty Of Servers That Run Off Donated Time & Donated Equipment But Our Main Servers Need Donations To Keep Up & Running. 

Top Donators This Month:




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Get To The Choppar!! [HSx]Laggmuch

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More Info On How To Become A Member


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HSxClan ©2001-2020

Photos & Media by: ​​​​HSxClan

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